
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 25 "Follow Jesus"

The disciples followed Jesus, and so can you!

Turn some of the last 25 day's ideas in to New Year Resolutions, Find a picture of Jesus that you love and hang it in your home, or Devote a whole day to selfless service!

I'd like to share with you my favorite painting of Christ:

As long as I can remember, this has been my favorite! I've seen it painted inside of some of the temples that I have been in. It's just breath taking.

Thank you everyone, for following along this series with me. I apologize for the hiccups in posting, thank you Jane, for helping me stay on track. 

I hope there are some images in it that you can use.

Merry Christmas Brother's and Sisters! I hope that you have a peaceful and loving holiday, and that you feel close to Heavenly Father. He loves you!

Sending you a hug from Utah!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 24 " Care for your loved ones"

Jesus cared for His loved ones, and so can you!

Plan a special Christmas Eve program for your family and friends, Leave an anonymous gift for a family member, Enter all of your friend's birthdays in to your phone!

Every Christmas Eve we have my brother's families over (My sister lives too far away), and we have dinner together. This year, our family has grown enough that we don't all fit in my house anymore! We will be having breakfast at our church house, where we can visit, and have plenty of room. It's a little different, but it's the time together that is important.

Happy Christmas Eve my friends!


Friday, December 23, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 23 "Be a Peacemaker"

Jesus was a peacemaker and you can be too!

Make a long overdue apology, make a donation to refugees, or say nice things behind peoples backs!

I think I can handle these too!

GO do good today my friends!!


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 22 "Show Gratitude"

Jesus Showed Gratitude and So Can You

Give a simple gift to your mail carrier, Say a sincere prayer of gratitude, or Write a thank you letter to someone who has positively impacted your life.

I'm pretty sure a little gift is the easiest for me, but I'm going to make an effort to do all three of these today. I have much to be grateful for. And I have many people Heavenly Father has placed in my life to help me, and I love them so much!

I'm very grateful for all of you, and the support you have given me the last 6 years!

Light the World Initiative Day 21 " Forgive Others"

Jesus Forgave Others and So Can You

Call a family member you haven't talked to for a while, Make a list of your grudges and let them go, Be kind instead of Right for a day.

Let it go.... let it go.... 
I don't know about you, but forgiving others isn't that difficult for me, I have a harder time forgiving myself. I'm gonna work on that one ;)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 19 "Calm the Storm"

"Jesus calmed the storm and so can you"

Find ways to help people around the world through charity, review emergency response plans in your  area, or give the gift of a 72 hour kit to your families!

My oldest brother is in charge of the emergency preparedness in his ward. He is HUGE on 72 hour kits ( he's giving them to his married kids for Christmas... shhhhh) This one made me smile thinking of him. Do you have a 72 hour kit? I'm afraid mine is more than a panic kit, lol. When the Ebola outbreak happened, I went in to full panic mode. I think I bout 4 bottles of all the medication at Costco as well as six cases of water, and some candles.

Time to get prepared my friends.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 18 "Honor the Sabbath"

"Jesus honored the Sabbath and so can you"

Turn off your phone for a few hours today, Attend a church service, or visit a family member!

Nothing says a peaceful and honored Sunday, than a turned off cell phone! It's a good day to re-charge your spiritual batteries.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 17 "Care for your Mother"

"Jesus cared for His Mother, and so can you"

Call your mom, make a list of all she has done for you and send it to her, or identify a motherly figure in your life and take her flowers...

Probably ought to all of these <3

Friday, December 16, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 16 "Show Compassion"

"Jesus showed compassion, and so can you!"

Participate in a "Sub for Santa" program, leave encouraging comments on social media, or pray for an opportunity to show someone compassion today!

Every year, my family helps out at least one family in need at Christmas time. Sometimes our children are involved, and sometimes they are not. Most of the fun is when its an anonymous gift!
I remember a time when we were the ones on that end of the giving... I've never forgotten the feeling of knowing that someone cared so much for us, that they would go so far out of their way to provide Christmas for our children. 

Make an effort today to be someone's blessing.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 15 "Worship Through Song"

Jesus worshiped through song, and so can you!

Invite a friend to a Christmas worship service to sing or listen to hymns, share a favorite Christmas hymn through social media, or Listen to Christmas hymns for an entire day....

Silent night is my FAVORITE Christmas song. I used to sing it to my babies when they were 
tiny, and I rocked them to sleep. (This could be why none of them can carry a tune, lol. Off key singing at a young age!) It always makes me feel warm and peaceful.

You can listen to it just as it should be sung by clicking here:


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 14 " Clothe the Naked"

Jesus taught us to clothe the Naked, and so can you!

Collect winter clothing for a homeless shelter, Learn about how we should love from a wise king (Mosiah 4:14-27), or donate some old clothing to charity, or a thrift store.

I started "Spring cleaning" my house a few weeks ago (I'm pretty sure I should have done this LONG before now). Life is so busy, and honestly, I hate to clean, lol. I came across some boxes that were still packed from when we moved..... SIX YEARS AGO! I'm so happy that we have a place close by to donate things to. I think I stocked the entire store, and the people in the back in the donation area know my name. I hope that our donations will make life easier for someone else.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 13 "Show Humility"

Jesus showed humility, and so can you!

Share an experience of when you had to rely on God's help, ask a parent to help you with a current challenge in your life, or share the story about when you were wrong about someone....

There was a time in my life where Heavenly Father saved me, and saved my family.  If you haven't read my "About the Artist", take a minute and let me share my story with you.

Here's the link:

Maybe I can share a little of my faith with you.

Light the World Initiative Day 12 " Teach Others"

Jesus taught others..... we can teach others too!!!

Share your favorite story of Jesus' teaching. Learn a new skill to benefit others, or...... Share something you've learned from your parents....

My parents were selfless, honest, and loving people. I miss the terribly. They 
taught my brothers and sisters to serve, and be loving. They showed us how to sacrifice
for their children, and they taught us about forever families. I am SO grateful to know that I can be with them for eternity if I live the way I know I should. One day, I will see them again. One day I will hug them, and hold them again.



Sunday, December 11, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 11 "Minister to Children"

Ask your children about who they know that could use some prayers, and then pray for that person as a family!

Children notice things sometimes that big people don't! I am always busy and running around, that sometimes I miss things. I'm so grateful that my kids notice things. Prayer is a powerful thing <3

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 10 - "Help Someone Walk"

"Help Someone Walk"

This one has more possibilities that you might think!

Donate your old wheelchairs, crutches, etc...  Plan an activity with a disabled friend, or offer to run errands for the elderly, or home bound!


Friday, December 9, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 9 - "Visit the Lonely"

"Visit the Lonely"

Here's a little tidbit that you may not know about me.
My first job was working as a dish washer in a nursing home. Then I was promoted to a cook :) (I always thought I was a good cook until I married Mike. Now when I cook, no one will eat, lol) 

I worked in various nursing homes, and homes for the disabled. In fact, my last "real" job was in one of them, where I was a direct care staff. I took care of the people that lived there during the night. Most of them were bed ridden, or had such limitations that they needed constant help.
The holidays were always sad there.. they would get so excited, like little children... a few had family that would visit, but most did not. Please, if you have a few minutes, stop in and visit... if you have family in one of these homes, don't forget them.

Don't become a "forgetter", be a "rememberer".

One of the things that I look forward to most, when it's my turn to be called home to be with Heavenly Father, and those I have lost, is to see those who I cared for with no physical restrictions. I hope that those perfect souls will forgive me of my shortcomings, and give me a big hug of welcome.

Tomorrow, my family and I will be going to run and visit a loved one <3


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 8 " Pray for Others"

I always try to keep a prayer in my heart!
At our house we have a prayer board. It reminds us all who 
needs extra prayers each day. It's a great way to keep us connected as a family,
as well as mindful of those who need our faith.
