
Friday, December 9, 2016

Light the World Initiative Day 9 - "Visit the Lonely"

"Visit the Lonely"

Here's a little tidbit that you may not know about me.
My first job was working as a dish washer in a nursing home. Then I was promoted to a cook :) (I always thought I was a good cook until I married Mike. Now when I cook, no one will eat, lol) 

I worked in various nursing homes, and homes for the disabled. In fact, my last "real" job was in one of them, where I was a direct care staff. I took care of the people that lived there during the night. Most of them were bed ridden, or had such limitations that they needed constant help.
The holidays were always sad there.. they would get so excited, like little children... a few had family that would visit, but most did not. Please, if you have a few minutes, stop in and visit... if you have family in one of these homes, don't forget them.

Don't become a "forgetter", be a "rememberer".

One of the things that I look forward to most, when it's my turn to be called home to be with Heavenly Father, and those I have lost, is to see those who I cared for with no physical restrictions. I hope that those perfect souls will forgive me of my shortcomings, and give me a big hug of welcome.

Tomorrow, my family and I will be going to run and visit a loved one <3



  1. Thank you for sharing this. I was just thinking this morning as I drove past an assisted living center near my house how many of them are lonely this Christmas. I didn't realized that that today's theme.

  2. muchas gracias por las imagenes!!
