Hey friends and family, I have something really awesome I want to share with you. Some of you may have heard me talk about my friend James N Arrington. James is the one who took me under his wing, and taught me how to make illustrations. He's honestly one of the best people I know. He shared something yesterday that blew me away. I knew he and his wife Shelby had been doing work in the country of Mali along with Yeah Samake to help build schools, and improve the education of thousands of children. I had no idea how truly awesome their endeavor is.
Please watch the KSL (channel 5) documentary on Mali at 12:00 pm this coming Saturday October 1, 2016, to hear more about this. It will air between the LDS conference sessions. You can bet I will be glued to the TV!
After reading about this organization, ( you can read about it here too :www.empowermali.org ) I was touched deeply. To think that I might help change the lives of children so far away is simply astounding. 100% of the donations go to the schools.100%. Every penny.
Here's a little fact: If 10,000 people give $1, on a recurring basis, a new school would be built every 6 months. They have already built 23 in the last 10 years, and have 2 more under construction. AMAZING!!!!
One dollar.... that's less than a cheeseburger. And it will change the lives of our brothers and sisters.
Education and educators have become very important to me. My work has allowed me to be a part of classrooms all over the world, and blessed me with friendships, opportunities, and more blessings than I could never have imagined. My family and I are excited to be a part of this, and I hope you will find it in your hearts to do the same.