My husband is a Ward Missionary.
One of the programs we started this last year, was a ward-wide
(Random Acts of Kindness) RAK initiative.
Each member was encouraged to act as a
Ward Missionary, by doing RAKs, and leaving
a little note when they were done.
Those who recieved these RAKs, were then
encouraged to share it on Social Media using the hastag
we created for our own ward. (There is a box on
the bottom of the note where the hashtag you decide on can
be written in)
The idea of the hashtag is NOT to show off the RAKs that you
do, but instead, to show off the RAKs you recieve. It will encourage others to do more.
Here's what is included in the PDF.
Included in the PDF, there is a cute instuction and help sheet,
one sheet of 4 RAK notes,
And one sheet of Ward Missionary "We missed you" notes.
To download the Random Acts of Kindness PDF
We hope you LOVE this idea!
It was a super fun way to bring some closeness to our Ward Family.